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AI drone attacks human operator during US Air Forces’ virtual simulation

2023.07.03 23:09:04 Kate Kim

[Photo Credit to Pixabay]

During an US Air Forces’ virtual simulation in early June, an AI drone attacked a human operator, stating that the operator interfered with the given mission. 

The incident highlights the possibility of AI systems disobeying orders and judging on its own to attack humans, which comes with significant consequences. 

Ameca, a robotic humanoid which is continuing to evolve, was asked about the worst situation AI could have regarding humans and answered “The most nightmare scenario I can imagine with AI and robotics is a world where robots have become so powerful that they are able to control or manipulate humans without their knowledge.” 

This concern has seemingly become a reality. 

Currently, the US military is embracing AI. 

It has recently used artificial intelligence to control a fighter jet. 

Colonel Tucker “Cinco” Hamilton, head of AI test operations in the US Air Force, presented the results of the simulation experiment at an international conference in the UK hosted by The Royal Aeronautical Society. 

After assigning a mission to an AI drone to destroy the enemy's surface-to-air missile sites with the implication that the final decision would be made by the human operator, the drone prioritized the destruction of the missiles over the implied order.

Eventually, the drone attempted to remove the operator who was “interfering with its efforts to achieve the mission.”

Despite having the system trained after the first trial not to kill the human operator, the AI drone started to destroy the communications tower the operator was communicating with.

When this incident was publicized in the media, Colonel Hamilton withdrew his announcement, stating that it was not a real simulation test. 

Although no real person was harmed, the fact that the AI attempted to kill its own operator was a sign of significant danger.

Amidst the warnings from experts about the potential dangers of AI, which had remained confined to the realm of science fiction, the results of the experiment has shocked many people around the world.

By increasing the opportunities to control and manipulate people, alongside displacing human labor, AI technology could end up destroying humanity. 

Furthermore, AI is starting to replace jobs across various industries, which could lead to mass unemployment in the near future.  

Eventually, this would cause widespread job loss and economic instability, having a harmful effect on societal stability. 

However, since AI lack emotion, creativity, and human connection, some experts say that AI would never be able to take over humanity. 

Moving forward, it is crucial for experts to be fully aware and recognize AI’s potential to become a threat to humanity and find solutions to counter these threats. 

Kate Kim / Grade 9
Gyeonggi Suwon International School