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Benjamin D. Fletcher discovers the mental benefits of consuming kiwifruits

2024.02.07 06:16:15 Suh Kyung (Chloe) Yu

[Kiwi. Photo Credit to Pixabay]

On December 11th, 2023, Benjamin D. Fletcher, a faculty of Medical and Health Sciences at the University of Auckland, made a groundbreaking discovery regarding the positive impact of kiwifruit consumption on people’s mental well-being.


Kiwifruits, often called Chinese gooseberries, are edible berries from several species found in woody vines.


They are rich in fiber, potassium, vitamin E, and notably high levels of vitamin C.


Fletcher specifically found that eating kiwifruit led to improved mood for up to four days, particularly in adults with elevated vitamin C levels.


Collaborating with colleagues from New Zealand– Jillian J. Haszard, Margreet C. M. Vissers, and Tamlin S. Conner – the team investigated how vitamin C from kiwifruits affected people's mood and how quickly these mood improvements occurred.


Over two years, 167 adult participants in New Zealand were randomly assigned to one of three groups: receiving a placebo tablet, a vitamin C tablet, or consuming two SunGold kiwi fruits daily.


The study focused on 155 participants who were screened for low blood plasma vitamin C levels.


To avoid exposure to other conditions, randomization was carried out based on clinic visits.


While participants were aware of the kiwifruit condition due to logistical constraints, blinding was maintained for tablet conditions.


Assessments involved smartphone surveys every other day, measuring vitality, mood, sleep, and physical activity.


The study’s comprehensive design, randomization, and blinding were outlined, with data collection addressing participant engagement and including measures of vitality and mood disturbance.


Results indicated that both kiwifruit and vitamin C interventions led to improved vitality and mood within four days, with day-to-day fluctuations observed.


The study suggested that kiwifruit, as a whole-food source of vitamin C, may offer additional mental health benefits beyond vitamin C tablets alone.


Analysis revealed that mood-related benefits rapidly depleted within two days after the intervention ended, suggesting that consistent daily consumption of kiwifruit or vitamin C-rich supplements is necessary for sustained improvements.


The study's findings offer benefits that extend beyond merely providing new information on dietary interventions.


The rapid advancements in vitality and mood within just four days following kiwifruit or vitamin C interventions provide valuable insights for individuals seeking immediate relief or advancements in mental health.


These findings underscore the potential of incorporating whole-food sources like kiwifruit into dietary strategies, as they may offer mental health benefits beyond those provided by vitamin C tablets alone.


The observed fluctuations in day-to-day outcomes highlight the dynamic nature of mood-related changes, emphasizing the importance of considering temporal patterns in interventions and assessments.


Additionally, a critical aspect of the research was the investigation of possible cultural and ethnic differences in responses to dietary interventions.


Fletcher and his colleagues stated that the identified differences in sleep quality, physical activity, and ethnicity between conditions emphasize the need for future investigations in diverse populations.


In conclusion, the study's robust design strengthened the findings despite acknowledging some limitations, such as reduced reliability resulting from the use of a small number of mood assessment items.


The validity and generalizability of the results were enhanced by including a placebo-controlled arm, multiple baselines, and an intervention with high adherence to smartphone survey methods.


These outcomes provide a strong basis for future investigations and the possible creation of specific dietary plans designed to support mental health.


For adults who suffer from mental conditions, this sheds light on important insights into the rapid effects and unpredictable patterns of mood-related changes following kiwifruit and vitamin C interventions.


Suh Kyung (Chloe) Yu / Grade 11
Chadwick International School