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A research points out the importance of reading books

2024.02.04 04:09:50 HyoJung Lee

[Student reading a book. Photo Credit to Pixabay]

The research titled “THE IMPORTANCE OF READING TO EXPAND KNOWLEDGE” by Anindhita Pradani suggests that reading a book is a process to obtain messages or information from a book.

Highlighting a concerning statistic from the U.S. Department of Education, it is revealed that 54% of U.S. adults 16-74 years old - about 130 million people - lack proficiency in literacy, reading below the equivalent of a sixth-grade level.

This statistic emphasizes the need for understanding the importance of reading.

Reading is fundamental to academic achievement; it enhances vocabulary, comprehension, and critical thinking, essential for success in various subjects.

Reading boosts creativity and expands people’s learning capacity.

Also, reading exposes people to diverse language structures, helping them improve their grammar, syntax, and communication skills and broadening their linguistic repertoire.

Exposure to well-written language in books enhances people's communication skills, making them more articulate in verbal and written expression.

The encounter with a rich and varied vocabulary in context improves language understanding and usage effectively.

If people lack vocabulary, it might be challenging for them to analyze and interpret information.

People exercise their creative faculties by visualizing characters, places, and scenarios, fostering innovation and original thinking, as exemplified in the books they read.

Books also help build empathy, especially fictional stories that enable students to empathize with chracters from different backgrounds. This promotes understanding and compassion for diverse perspectives and experiences.

Many books, particularly those with moral or ethical themes, impart valuable life lessons, allowing people to apply these lessons to their own lives.

Reading requires sustained focus, and improving concentration levels that are transferable to academic tasks and contribute to better learning outcomes.

Reading presents various perspectives, encouraging critical thinking and evaluation of information, crucial for making informed decisions and solving complex problems.

Books not only enhance concentration but also serve as repositories of information.

Reading exposes people to a wide range of topics, helping them build a comprehensive knowledge base.

For instance, reading literature from different times and cultures expands students' understanding of history and diverse societies, promoting cultural literacy and global awareness.

In the realm of technological literacy, reading extends beyond traditional paper books.

Engaging with digital content, eBooks, and online resources fosters technological literacy, a crucial skill in the modern world.

In summary, reading is a foundational skill that goes beyond academic success.

It shapes people into critical thinkers, effective communicators, and lifelong learners, preparing them for the challenges of the future.

HyoJung Lee / Grade 9
St.Johnsbury Academy Jeju